By Ricardo López Göttig In December 2015 assumed President Mauricio Macri in Argentina, after twelve years of three successive governments of the Peronists Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007) and his wife, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2007-2011, 2011-2015). The great surprise of the general elections was the triumph of Mrs. María Eugenia Vidal as the first female governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, the most populated of the country, after 24 years of Peronist administrations. Nevertheless, the electoral coalition Cambiemos (Let's Change) obtained the first minority in the Chamber of Deputies, and just a third of the Senate. The upper house, since the restoration of constitutional order, has a Peronist majority. Last year, in October, the coalition Cambiemos won at the midterm elections in the most populated provinces, strengthening and expanding the number of seats in both chambers of the Congress. President Macri and Governor Vidal have many challenges: reduce high public...
By Ricardo López Göttig The populist and angry message of Donald Trump, who is the GOP frontrunner according to the polls, is doing a great damage in the American society. His insidious comments against Hispanic immigrants may be welcome among frustrated WASP voters, but he is isolating the Republican Party, and creating an awful environment. How can Hispanic leaders defeat Trump? Latinos have an overdeveloped sense of honour that could be self-damaging in this battle. This is not about pride, but achievements. Hispanic leaders and movements should showcase that Latin immigrants are a positive contribution to United States economy, culture, and politics. If they want to be respected, they should talk loud and clear about how they progress, giving examples of outstanding Hispanic businessmen, scholars, scientists, journalists, lawyers, etc. Individual initiative and social mobility are in the United States' DNA, and Hispanic leaders should talk the language that WASP citizens...